
Sunday, April 20, 2014

Summer Where Art Thou

No one wants summer break more than teenagers, especially because the anticipation of traveling will become a temporary reality.  Even if the only traveling done is going on a short road trip, getting away from the normal is not only thrilling but necessary in order to keep from going absolutely crazy!  These outfits are to help me to start planning for my upcoming adventures while I visit my family in Europe this June and July.  

Dream on

Also, I found out how distracting Polyvore can be today.  You can follow my Polyvore at vomitonmyface if you would like.  Yes it is a strange username but hey there are some good posts, so don't judge the sets by the username!

Summer where art thou

And so I leave you with these sets and this beautiful quote to think about as you are fantasizing for the upcoming summer heat.

     “Travel is little beds and cramped bathrooms. It’s old television sets and slow Internet connections. Travel is extraordinary conversations with ordinary people. It’s waiters, gas station attendants, and housekeepers becoming the most interesting people in the world. It’s churches that are compelling enough to enter. It’s McDonald’s being a luxury. It’s the realization that you may have been born in the wrong country. Travel is a smile that leads to a conversation in broken English. It’s the epiphany that pretty girls smile the same way all over the world. Travel is tipping 10% and being embraced for it. Travel is the same white T-shirt again tomorrow. Travel is accented sex after good wine and too many unfiltered cigarettes. Travel is flowing in the back of a bus with giggly strangers. It’s a street full of bearded backpackers looking down at maps. Travel is wishing for one more bite of whatever that just was. It’s the rediscovery of walking somewhere. It’s sharing a bottle of liquor on an overnight train with a new friend. Travel is “Maybe I don’t have to do it that way when I get back home.” It’s nostalgia for studying abroad that one semester. Travel is realizing that “age thirty” should be shed of its goddamn stigma.” 
                ― Nick Miller

Friday, January 3, 2014

Breakfast at the Heartbreak Hotel

I'm currently obsessed with the Arctic Monkeys...shocker.  The title of one of their songs is called Piledriver Waltz, it is the song.  The lyrics inspired this outfit for today.  I know that it is pretty basic but I would rate it 10 stars for its functionality.  

The average temperature was 59 today in the middle of nowhere South Florida! It felt like a real winter day for once!
Trying to dodge the massive ant piles in my lawn isn't easy.

Also I felt that my breakfast deserved some appreciation.  Jack Johnson would be proud of these pumpkin waffles with organic honey and bananas. 

And then lunch at a somewhat healthy diner/restaurant type of thing.   

"Lydia are you taking a picture of me?"

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Nina vs New York City

 ...this summer. This summer came and went without barely any notice of it.  All that is left are memories and photographs tainted with my hopes and dreams for the future.  The only exciting event worthy of explanation is the one hell of a trip to The city, The big apple, The jungle that is New York City.

For one thrilling week of my life I had the privilege to leave behind the confides of the cookie cutter town in which I live to actually learn from experiences and lectures that are relevant to me.  Well relevant to the fashion industry.  Through LIM college I was given up and close encounters with different aspects of the business.

For instance, on the third day day during the program we had a field trip to The Knit Resource Center in the garment district.  While there we were able to talk to the Manager, this amiable woman who instantly made you feel like you were part of their tight knit family.  She really opened up my mind to product development and went in depth of what she really does.  What makes this company so unique is their mission. They work with designers to solve their issues with any items involved with knitted materials and also to provide samples of the designers vision.  They truly are what transforms the idea in to reality.

While on the tour we visited an archive of thread and yarn and everything else you could imagine.  It was all categorized by which designer had used them in the past and which designer still owned all the materials.  I immediately gravitated towards the sticky note labeled with the infamous name of Alexander Wang.  What lied before me was fluorescent gold.  Our kind tour guide laughed at our astonishment and kindly gave us a demonstration of how the thread worked and also explained the obstacles that came along with it.  Often times she referenced to Mr. Wang as "Alex".  At this point I felt sick because she is on a first name basis with a man I adore and hope to have the pleasure of working with in the future.  And also because it isn't everyday you get to hear this enthralling gossip.  Then came the time when we saw it illuminate and brought to life.  I kid you not I was in such shock of what was happening in this cramped closet that I couldn't even speak when I was able to touch it.  Part of me wanted to rip off a piece of this infamous thin glow in the dark thread and take it back with me.  But another part of me wasn't ready to take the risk of going to jail.  So yes, my love for Mr. Wang and his ease of infusing modern beauty easily made The Knit Resource Center the highlight of my week.

Throughout the week I tried to accomplish as many tourist things that I could do while trying to look like a native.  The most difficult proved to be transportation.  Navigating public transportation and walking around city blocks are extremely difficult to the average suburbian, even my iphone5 was lost.  By the end of the week I was still unsuccessful at catching a taxi, very uncivilized of myself.  However without my friend Christina I would have easily never made it out of the city.

Below are some pictures of my favorite memories  

Entertaining myself on the plane with Grace Coddingtons: Grace A Memoir

The first real view of the city

Peaceful evening in Central Park

A break during the first class of the day in Bryant Park 

"She's got the city in her eyes"

My partner hard at work

A little tour on top of the Empire State with the good old mom

This was kind of a big deal

Arguably the best meal I have ever eaten in the chicest French bistro



That week was the the feeling you get during turbulence on an airplane.  At first its unsettling and it feels like your stomach is going to soar out of your body, yet odd enough you can handle it and are craving for more of the rush.  The rush that is life, that is experiences, that is more than you have ever had.  That is when you you know that you are ready for the world beyond the suburbs.
